Saturday, November 10, 2012

Side Bumpy-Bun

This is a staple hair do in our house - in fact most of her friends call it the Aubrie bun, but we call it the bumpy-bun. We usually do one bun on the side but it also looks great as two bumpy buns also. 

First part her hair at the natural part line and start a part 
from there down to her ear. Part that section into half and put into two little ponies. 

Gather those two little ponies and make one little pony.
Like pictured down below. 

Now move over to the other side and repeat the first steps. 

Now you will gather all the hair in the back and comb into a low ponytail.   

Take the two little ponies from the front and make one little pony above the side pony you just made 

And attach to the big ponytail. Pictured below. 

Take another rubber band and go through the motions of making a ponytail just don't pull
the ends all the way through. If done correctly there will be a
loop at the bottom and her loose ends will be sticking out the top. Like below.

Now your going the comb through the hair that is sticking out the top
and loop it down. Then your going to thread it through the rubber band
that is holding the first loop you made.

 And there you have it - a bumpy bun!!! This is what it looks like when finished. 
Make sure you fan it out to cover the loose ends. 

Add a few sprays of hairspray and a hair accessory and  you have a great hair do 
that was simple but looks fancy!
Also, this looks fabulous in teens and adults (minus all the little ponies)!!!

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